What Makes It Go KABOOM!

ok. childish title, i noe but well. its d only way 2 describe our science experiment 2day.

who knew zinc was so reactive with sulphur?

we weren't expecting it. tanushia n i were holding the bunsen burner up and looking at it.
i was d 1st to spot the change in colour.

suddenly, KABBOM!

the zinc sulphide flew, FLEW out of the test tube and landed on the floor. the 1st thing i noticed was that the bunsen burner was now lying on the floor, still burning, so i turned it off.

we were all too stunned to think.

OMG. "erm, we should tell pn cheah." someone said.

great. we all thought she was going 2 scold us. like:"what did u do???" or something.

we ran ahead and told her. she just shrugged and turned around.

LOL. then we realized that it was meant to do just that.
no wonder she was so mysterious when we asked her what the reaction would be.

science was definetely the best lesson today.

~ there's more to be seen than can ever be seen,
more to do than can ever be done.

the only quote i can think of now...


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