
if you flip open the star two to the comics n read d horroscopes, you'll see that mine says:

~today brings additional responsibility and a lot of work that is wanted yesterday.

*cough* *cough*

i'm not a believer 4 this kind of thing but i think its kind of... appropriate...


pn m, i noe ur like grinning 2 urself n saying "yea! HELL is good if it produces good results" but seriously...

darn. a holiday would be nice...

however, b4 the hols come, i have EXAMS, then its 30th May or 1st June. then, finally I can go JB 4 a while... after that, CAMP! YAY!

but after that, its MPS. SH!T. oh wait. its SPORTS DAY. I DONT WANNA RUN!!!! I HATE RUNNING LA.
y did pn tan force me??

then its MSSD. hope it clashes wif sports day so i cant run. hehe.

THEN ITS MPS. YAY. i'd better get my coffin ready.
erm. watever it is. dun sing "yue liang dai biao wo de xin" cuz i'll cry even in death.
n if u sing "paint my love" i'll haunt u!

~I'm hangin' on another day
Just to see what you throw my way
And I'm hanging on to the words you say
You said that I will be OK


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