It's Called Walk Till You Drop

(or maybe nearly dropping)

din noe u could cover 12km in 3+ hours actually...

it was damn tiring, i'm not a long distance person. or short. well, hu cares. im just not used 2 walking so far.

ygh. my feet were hurting. n ankles, i've no idea why...

but it was quite fun. my cousin & i were like having our iPods on while talking while listening 2 d chanting. lol.

n there was this "green" float. no lights, no engine. man-powered. hopefully, next year, there will b more of tese "green" floats. we dun wanna kill d earth while erm walking?...

haiz... wordsworthfan copied me.
oh well, shit happens. (lol)

~ I know every mile will be worth my while


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