
after all our preparation for the debate..................................

it was a friggin walk over.


I was VERY happy. Because I get to go do shift and watch over the dear little trainees.
(I think sooner or later, they'll all hate me)

Kesatria was so tiring.
Ran outside for merentas desa practice.

Well, I walked like 2/3 of the way.
I won't lie, my stamina sucks.
My recovery is worse.

Then after that, we were told by Madam Tan that we have to build up stamina.
So we had to run around the field once.
After barely 5 minutes of rest.

I was like, "What the hell?"
And so I ran.
Can't say I was the fastest, but I was faster than most of the others.
Cos thanks to my walking 2/3 of the way, I had enough energy to run again.

But I'm surprised. I actually could run one whole round without stopping.
Jog. Whatever.
But still.

Poor Ke Li.
She didn't feel well after merentas desa practice.

tired. so tired now


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