so little time...

it seems that so little time has passed since we finished PMR...

been busy since then. (yes, i was BUSY, every one else seems to think that I was free like... someone who has finished PMR)

Life after PMR is... not exactly blissful. I never thought it would be. Cos after PMR, I knew that I had no more reason to put off stuff I have been putting off. (e.g: piano, MPS, camp, that stupid boring book my dad is bugging me to read...)

oh well, at least I don't have to study. It's weird. Every time I switch off the computer, I will glance at my pile of books and think to myself that I should be doing some revision. Then I will remember that PMR is actually over.

If PMR wasn't PMR, it would be a lot of fun. So much free time to hide in my favourite hiding place (guess where) between papers.

And after stock check, just sitting in the library (THE room, to be exact) playing Monopoly Deal, Boggle, monopolizing the room, annoying Pn M, and sometimes being the slave is VERY fun. It would take more than a month to get bored with that routine.

I'm going to miss it.

It's weird now, cos I'm NOT looking forward to the holidays. It seems like there's not enough of post-PMR/stock check hiding in THE room time. I'm still holding on to the last few hours I get as a post-PMR form 3.

I'm going to miss friends.

Emily's going off to Australia. Hui Min only can go out during weekdays. Jes? No idea. Me? I'm going to Bangkok/Chiang Mai next month.

I'm going to miss annoying Pn M!

Oh well, back to wondering why the internet is so sucky, bugging people about MPS, worrying about it and looking for places to go for camp. Yay! What else? Trying not to annoy my dad when I tell him that although I don't have school, I still have to attend shift next week, wishing that Em and HM could go to the same tuition class as me and wondering who will teach me Sejarah and English next year. Oh yeah, and worrying about PMR results and my next year class.



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