i'm just glad things are back to normal.

at least. closer to normal than it has been for a while.

had to re-install EVERYTHING on the laptop cos of some spyware. *sigh*

all my files took like 1 hour plus to copy to the hard disk.

apparently, i use up 23GB of space. my dad who has been using the comp for way longer only uses 2GB.

but it's mostly my pics. the whole file is 18GB and my music is 3GB only. oh well...

i missed google chrome. had to use mozilla to download it again and it's like so weird. not used to it already. haha

at least chrome is working now. before we re-installed everything, i couldn't mafia with it. haha. now i can

*big smile*

now, if you'll excuse me, i have a book to finish reading.


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