The Most Boring Shift Ever...

here's my experience on the most boring shift ever:

12.30 - got to the "library". chit chat, waste time. got called to
the other side of the bilik gerakan to shift perspex. it was HEAVY. especially since there was only me carrying it on my side.
pn m was a GREAT help.

dunno wad time - went to eat lunch. told lame jokes. laughed like mad, couldn't stop talking. as usual.

1.00 - went to the library. let's study!! ew. we moved to the floor because it wasn't cold enough at the tables.

it was so boring! couldn't focus at all. was trying to do science and what usually takes 15 minutes took me hours to do! thanks emily, jus, huimin for that.

what seemed like a very short time seemed to be twice as long...

new nicknames:

emily: the baroness. lol
emily? lol.

huimin: the warmer or the spelling genius

ok. so it wasn't totally boring, but it was the most boring shift ever.
AND i just realized that gerak gempur is next week! GREAT! (not prepared, never prepared)


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