English Paper 1

heres what happened today:

i opened the test paper and scanned the questions. nothing struk me as hard or weird. then i flipped to the back page and saw...

prepared by: Pn. Monica Choy

that's what it said. my reaction: oh, great. i'm sure it's gonna be quite weird.

flipped to the second page, i found the weird: a harry potter poster. with the name david radcliffe on it. haha. pn m needs to get her celebrities correct.

flip, WHOA! there's stock check later! (lol) what's with the library prefects, by the way? its LIBRARIANS, DEAR.

flip, flip. great. more weirdness.

do you knw the part of the test paper where they give you a dialogue and ask you the meaning of a few idioms? well, somehow, pn m must have run out of names to use because i saw Kelly talking to Hui Min there.

my reaction: HOLY... I'm gonna kill Pn M

my classmates reactions: HAHA. kelly, u're in the test paper.
Hey, kelly, did u actually have that conversation with Hui Min?

my answers: yes, my name is in the test paper. on the front page. it says "Kelly Ng, 3 Cengal"
No. and i don't talk like that. with all the idioms and stuff.

Hui Min's reaction: PN M!!! WHY IS OUR NAME THERE?? btw, i wouldn't talk like that, I would just say "the food sucks!"

SO TRUE. the conversation should actually be Emily instead of Hui Min and Jessica instead of Kelly.
cos Emily is the critic and jes is the one who thinks everything is ok.


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