On the 1st day of new year...

no cookies. no visitors. no lion dance. no ang pows. no visiting.

its a pretty crappy new year.
lets face it. theres no new year without u...

did NOTHING 4 d whole day. (actually i watched d brit awards but that wasnt like that great.)
even went tebrau 4 SHOPPING.
my aunt ended up buying a 40 inch LCD TV.

really sleepy rite now but i noe dat i wun b able 2 sleep.

i actually was considering wearing BLACK 2day but my mum says we dun wan any more bad luck n i agreed wif her.

lets hope d year of d ox will b happier n more promising than d year of d rat.


see, how sad. free enough 2 go on9 on d 1st day of new year.

i miss cny...


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