i found out that i wun hav ebough time 4 nostalgia dis year...
meeting 2day. in library.
we were listening 2 disiplin then pengkelasan then camp then day camp
i was like hungry hungry hungry
then they announced d aft ajks
Pengerusi: Yi Qian (i knew it! lol)
Setiausaha: Natalie Chong (knew it too!)
Bendahari: Amanda Chan (not unexpected)
K. Disiplin: Ai Li (i thought so)
AJK Kebersihan: Yuet Shuang (knew it a long time ago)
AJK Inventori: Chee Yee (haha. knew that too)
anyway, i can say dat my prediction was very good because i was there when we chose d ajks. then leannza changed some of it, including d pengerusi, kd n bendahari.
btw, congrats, afternoon session AJKs!
anyway after that, leannza announced d MPS AJKs. by dat time, i 4got my hunger.
erm. cant rmb all d AJKs so:
Hui Min - bendahari (obviously)
Emily - pen ketua publisiti
Jes - pen ketua persembahan
me n gheek got EXHIBITION!
n its equal rights. no ketua so we hav 2 debate it out. plus, our 1st draft is due NEXT FRIGGIN WEEK! DIE
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