When Librarians Are Left In Pn M's Room With Nothing 2 Do...

well, we had nothing 2 do n pn m's comp doesnt hav games n we didnt wan 2 go out cuz d aircon is damn nice in her room. so... we were innovative or creative? hu cares... anyway... we played wif paint! lol

me n huimin took a comp each n started paint-ing. n leannza was damn bored so she used me as her guinea pig. or barbie doll. yea. she started playing wif my hair, plaiting it over n over n OVER again.

(i asked her,) she thinks she plaited it at least 6 times. crazy. while i was paint-ing. n we were l8 4 LEO IU Day meeting. well, it was raining n we couldnt get 2 block h anyway.

let me say something... leo meeting was like a total waste of time. nothing happened. they just talked a lot 2 d ppl sitting in front. n d boys were damn childish. so annoying. n d onli thing they said 2 d rest of us was abt other skools IU days n when they r. waste of an hour... STUPID!!!


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