I'm Back!

hahaha. i'm back frm kk!
which is sad cuz i loved d holiday

but i'm crazily happy.



2day, my dad got me a new camera. Casio. EX-S10. 10.1 mega pixels. plus a 4 gig SD card.


a good change, seeing as my old camera was a 2 mega pixel kodak.

its super slim. 13.8 mm i tink.

of course, now i owe him 500 bucks. i hav 2 pay half d price.


bye, money. i'm goin bankrupt.

but i'm still da,m happy.

n my dad says if i get gud results, he might get me 1 of those freakin huge nikons which r like 4 professional photographers.

OMG. imagine how ma fan it will b 2 carry around.


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